Don't mix different variations of cards together in sales data

  • updated

All sales are aggregated into a single total. For instance, when examining the sale history of a Joe Burrow base card, it includes various types like prisms, refractors, and different variations all grouped with the base card. This mixture impacts the estimated value assigned to that base card. It would be better to separate them according to their specific card types.

Quote from Anonymous

This Joe Burrow base has multiple parallels mixed in with its sale's crazy..

I looked through that page and only saw 1 sale that was for the SP card instead of the base.  All the others seemed to match correctly.  

Maybe another user cleaned it after already.  If the listing doesn't say what variation it is, we won't be able to match those correctly.  

Quote from jj

We do break out sales into different cards.  For some sets like 2024 Topps, we might have 30 variants for each card.  If the sales are being grouped together it generally means we do not have the variants in our database, but we definitely want to add them. 

Can you give me the url to this Joe Burrow card you are talking about?   or the PriceChrarting ID for it?  I can then look into this and help fix it.  Thank you

This Joe Burrow base has multiple parallels mixed in with its sale's crazy..

  • Under review

We do break out sales into different cards.  For some sets like 2024 Topps, we might have 30 variants for each card.  If the sales are being grouped together it generally means we do not have the variants in our database, but we definitely want to add them. 

Can you give me the url to this Joe Burrow card you are talking about?   or the PriceChrarting ID for it?  I can then look into this and help fix it.  Thank you


If you guys need someone to help alert through and put them in the right place I would love to help out. It would make the prices so much more accurate and that is the only thing missing from this otherwise perfect collection manager 

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