Support for custom prices in collections

  • updated

If a certain card in my collection doesn't have a calculated value, I'd love to be able to add one! Ex- It's a /199 on-card Anthony Volpe rookie autograph from a Topps flagship insert set, so it clearly has some value, but there's no current way to make that value show up as part of my collection (I'm not asking to make my selected value affect how the card appears elsewhere). If the site later aggregates a price for it, maybe that overrides what I added myself, or maybe not.

Separately/similarly, if there's a card in my collection without a calculated value, but I add a cost for it (ex- something with a low population that I bought online), it'd be great to let that cost be the value for the card - again, until the site later aggregates a price for it. 

For both of these, it could be a default behavior or a togglable option, but either way, it'd be nice to have that bit of extra control!


And as far as missing sales go for that Volpe card, I definitely found a few. The card itself had an incorrect number on this site (88BA-AVO instead of 88BA-AV), which I just edited, but here are some sold eBay listings. Not all of those results are for my exact card, though: the cards where he's holding a bat are from the 2023 Update 1988 autograph set, not the 2023 Series 2 1988 autograph set.


Thanks! To be clear, I'm not necessarily looking to have my custom price/value be the value of the card for other users on the site. I completely understand how that could lead to price inflation.

Ex- let's say I'm a brand new user to the site, so my collection's empty. I buy a card that has no currently aggregated value on the site for $50 and add it to my collection. Today, my collection's value would still show up as $0. But with this feature, my collection would now show up as being worth $50. Then, if the site later aggregated a price of $40, I'd expect my collection to show up as being worth $40 to match.

I wouldn't mind if the "Total Value" data for that card in my collection (before a price was officially aggregated) also showed up as $50, or even just "$50 (user)". But at least to me, that would be less helpful than adding the $50 to my collection's total Value, instead of adding $50 to my collection's total Cost and $0 to its total Value.


Thanks for this feedback.  I can see the value to something like this.  It opens up some problems with user abuse (inflating prices on stuff they have) but I'll think about this some more.

If you know of any sales for that particular card, I'd like to add it.  It definitely has value, we just aren't sure what the value is.

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