Cursor Focus Retention

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When going through my cards and adding them to my collection it would be useful if the cursor would remain in the last search bar (Main/Card Number) used when the new page loads.

In this way I can easily leave my mouse hover over '+collection' instead of moving back and forth across the page for each and every new card I want to search for. 

The page refresh automatically places the cursor in the MAIN search bar, which is fine when sorting through misc unorganized cards.

This is a useful feature for when cards are organized set but not numerical.


Thanks for this suggestion.  Can you send me a screenshot or a url to the page where you'd like this to be changed?  I want to look into this more, but I'm not quite sure what change to make.

Rainbows Parkle

Alright so took some screenshots...  So going to any set of cards, in this case Donruss Optic 2019

Opening the page, the default cursor location is in the main search bar (Player card or set). Well, we know I am in a set. It would make sense that I am now able to search within that specific set. We can already organize alphabetically, numerically, or by $value. That's awesome - when cards are already organized.

When filtering through collections that have been acquired and are NOT organized, or organized by some other preference, looking up individual cards is useful. The system allows me to look up individual cards by card number.

Take for instance this box of 2019 Donruss Optic.  Now I could, if I wanted to, numerically organize the cards all by hand and then scroll down the page and look at each card individually.  However this set has a MASSIVE list because of the new fad of countless parallels. Several pages down and I am still only to #39. Whoever had this set before slid some cards into penny bags and left most out. I am guessing the penny bags are of interest to me. Scrolling down to 164 is gonna take forever, then I am going to find another, and another over and over.

Here's the screenshot of that:

Image 63

We can see the cursor is at the main search bar at the top of the page.

So I click into 'Card Number' and enter my number:

Image 64

Now when I press enter the next page shows my card number but the cursor defaults to the top of the page again:

Image 65

So I have to manually click back into 'Card Number' to search for the next one. This isn't such a big deal because I have already placed the mouse in that field.  However, when I move the mouse across the screen to '+Collection' and click OUT of the 'Card Number' field my cursor also jumps to that location.

Image 66

It would be great if that cursor would remain at the last used field so that going through large groups of sets would be more efficient..

Does that make sense?


That makes perfect sense.  Thank you for that thorough explanation.  I can see why you'd want it in the same field so you don't need to click on that field for every card in the lot you purchased.  

If you are clicking on "+Collection" button on each card number page, the cursor will automatically leave the card number field.  That is a browser default behavior.  It would be technically possible to move the cursor back to the card number field after clicking somewhere else, but that might create unexpected problems for users if a particular user is not expecting the cursor to move back to a different field (since that is not normal behavior for browsers).

I probably can't implement this at this time because of the potential downsides for users.  Sorry.

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