Ability to search within collection

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Not sure if this has been brought up before, but it would be nice if you could have a separate search for players or sets within your collection.  As it is right now I can sort it by Alphabetical but if I want to go to a player that starts in the middle of the alphabet it takes a while to scroll down to that player.  This would also make it easier if we were able to create folders and just narrow it down to one player; select all cards and then move them to that players folder.

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Satisfaction mark by jason albertson 1 year ago

So far this is working very good....thank you for making the change to have this as an option! It will really help when sorting through our collections.

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+1 for me for searching cards that are only in my collection.  I currently have 1,000+ cards entered and would like to see all of MY Julio Rodriguez cards in one view or just be able to browse through my cards to recall what I have forgotten that I have.

jason albertson
Quote from Anonymous

+1 for me for searching cards that are only in my collection.  I currently have 1,000+ cards entered and would like to see all of MY Julio Rodriguez cards in one view or just be able to browse through my cards to recall what I have forgotten that I have.

Yeah, that is exactly what I'd like to see added.  Even if there was a drop down menu with all the players listed in your collection by alphabetical order, kind of like a filter.  It would make it much easier to see what you have of each player.


I agree with the searchability function in the personal collection.  This would also be helpful when sharing collections with others (my nephew, for instance), so he can type in his favorite players or obscure ones to see what I have, otherwise he's searching down endlessly through 1600+ cards to get there alphabetically.  I'd appreciate the consideration! Otherwise, love using the app and site.


+1 on this from me too. Hundreds of cards in my collection and sure would love to just have a search function where I can type a player’s last name “Jordan”, “Griffey”, etc and have all of his cards in my collection come up.

loooove the site though, my go to!


Searching for a certain player within my personal collection would be extremely helpful.  I have too many cards to remember and if a player or card gets hot, it would be nice to know what cards I have.  Could searching a player be added to the sort/filter feature?  Thanks!  KL

Quote from jason albertson

I was looking for more of a way to narrow down the results within your collection.  So if I wanted to look at all my Jordan cards I could search just his name and it would all show.  As it is now, with over 2000 cards in my collection the only way I can do it is sort it alphabetically and then scroll down to M for Michael but it's several pages down and takes a while to get there.  

And some of his cards were entered wrong like his 1995 Upper deck jordan collection card JC13, when I sort it goes to the top of the list because they entered the Set name in the player name field.  It looks like most of that set was entered wrong.  I would fix it if I could but I don't see a way to edit the Player name or set field.

I'm sure you guys get a lot of requests, I'm just trying to see if there is an easier way to look through my collection, if we were able to organize players into folders and not have all cards on one long list.  You know what I mean?


This is where the enjoyment of the service really takes a hit.  This is a frustrating part of the experience.  This is amazing for finding and accurately identifying a card from an enormous amount of data.  Again…amazing.  But once identified, there are many areas where managing your collection data is  needing improvement.  Even if it was just having more ways to filter the information where we can get to what we are looking for more quickly, that would be a needle moving improvement.

Quote from Anonymous

This is where the enjoyment of the service really takes a hit.  This is a frustrating part of the experience.  This is amazing for finding and accurately identifying a card from an enormous amount of data.  Again…amazing.  But once identified, there are many areas where managing your collection data is  needing improvement.  Even if it was just having more ways to filter the information where we can get to what we are looking for more quickly, that would be a needle moving improvement.

Would it be possible to show the orange in collection listed cards first after a player name search?

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Andrew Russell
Quote from jj

This feature is live on the site.


Thanks, tested out the search today and works great. Would it be possible to have the columns for prices listed on the search results page without drilling into the card itself? At a minimum the raw value, but would be nice to have 9 and 10 as well.

Quote from Andrew Russell

Thanks, tested out the search today and works great. Would it be possible to have the columns for prices listed on the search results page without drilling into the card itself? At a minimum the raw value, but would be nice to have 9 and 10 as well.

Unfortunately, due to backend limitations caused by the size of the databases being searched, we cannot display the values in a collection search.  If you want values you will need to do a regular search and then look at the orange button next to items to see if you own that or not.  You can click the orange button to go to that item in your collection too.

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