Bulk select cards from my collection

  • updated

I and lots of users would need to be able to bulk select many or even all cards in our collection by check box,
to then perform bulk commands, like:

  1. Sell these cards
  2. Delete selected cards from collection and/or from selling list
  3. Bulk edit price of each selected card, to current suggested price
  4. Bulk edit description, general message to all selected cards
  5. Bulk create export excel list, with selected cards only

Please also note that, when we bulk upload by import of year, set and player name and card number, this 
populates a card picture automatically and that is perfect but, then when we want to sell this card (should be able to perform that action by selecting many at a time) then we are asked to at least upload one card picture, this question should be removed as it is extremely time consuming for us members, to actually upload 1 picture of each card we want to sell. I have thousand of cards, this would take me years just to do this one action manually, just to have all my cards ready in the to sell section of your website, too long. Please instead, when we sell a card or more of them by bulk action, and have these cards from our collection and place them in the sell section, please let the picture from our collection that auto populates be the main  image of choice and allow for extra pictures to be uploaded if we want, but use the main stock picture in the sell section and stop asking for us to import at least 1 picture, this is too long and many people are not posting there cards for sell because of this long time consuming step. Use the stock picture in the sell section please.


    Bulk select would be really helpful to move into folders or add #hashtags to notes.

    Perhaps develop a standard template that contains each card attribute (including notes).  

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