Keyboard hotkeys to speed up card entry on web page


From anywhere on the web page, regardless of which control has the focus, I want to press a hotkey and have my mouse cursor and focus in the Search box. You might consider other hotkeys for other features on the web page to allow quick navigation without having to move hands from keyboard to mouse. :) 

My scenario: I have just deleted a card. To do that I click the Remove link, it changes to a red CONFIRM; I click that CONFIRM. Now my keyboard and/or mouse cursor focus is no longer on the search text box, but I want to search for another card to add or delete again. I just deleted a few hundred cards from my collection, and it was a pain to have to click back on the search box before I could start typing again. For the add a card scenario, or search for a card, the keyboard/mouse focus stays in the search box and that makes it easy to keep hands on the keyboard as much as possible. 

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