List of sets with total card count and value in dashboard and export

  • updated

Could you add the ability to view a list of all sets that a user has cards in along with the total count and value for each set?  This could go in the collection dashboard and/or an export. 

zane walls

I would also like to see such a feature.  A way of seeing the total number of cards within my collection.  Also have it broken into what sport or other cards are within collection.  Also, be able to set preferences for my collection for which sport to be filtered by and set it per that collection, along with the value for that collection.   

  • Under review

Thanks for this suggestion.  That could be technically possible.  You can filter your collection now and see data (count and total value) for each sport and each set.  If you filter your collection by sport then filter by sets you will see this info.

Having a summary on the dashboard could be useful though for sure.  Maybe the top 10 sets or something like that.  What do you think?

zane walls

Thanks for getting back to me on this.  On the dashboard it gives you a total number on individual cards that you added to you collection, plus total within collection.  It counts a complete set as one instead of the total number within the complete set.  Would it be possible to have it broken down into total number of cards within the collection plus total value of those cards, and total number of complete sets with in said collection plus total value of those sets.  Then within the dashboard have it broken down even further for different sports or other collection items and have a total value for those other collections, then have a total value for the entire collection.



> Would it be possible to have it broken down into total number of cards within the collection plus total value of those cards, and total number of complete sets with in said collection plus total value of those sets.

Thanks for elaborating on this.  Unfortunately we can't count a "Complete Set" as the total number of cards for that set for the purposes of collection summaries and dashboards.  We count those as an individual item because the complete sets usually sell for different prices than the sum of the cards in the set.  People are willing to pay less for the full set than they would if they bought the cards individually (but some of those cards hardly ever sell individually because they aren't worth much).  Either way, it would be a VERY BIG change to count the "Complete Set" items as the total number of cards in that set.  Sorry.

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